Connected chlorine diffuser for a 24/7 healthy pool water

Diffuseur piscine Ecotab

Ecotab is a new chlorine tablet diffuser for pool maintenance. Connected to an app, it
communicates pool temperature and activity directly to your smartphone, and regulates

To maintain your pool water, Ecotab can :

  1. hold up to 5 chlorine tablets (refill when fully dissolved) ;
  2. monitor your pool’s activity with a thermometer and wave detector, so you can control water
  3. autonomously and efficiently distribute chlorine according to water treatment needs;
  4. remotely monitor pool activity, temperature and chlorine distribution;
  5. suggest water treatment products by analyzing test strips that complement the diffuser.

With Ecotab, pool water treatment is simpler and more effective, with the option of remote
control from your smartphone!

Reserve your Ecotab now for imminent release; the patent is pending!


Why choose ECOTAB

To revolutionize your daily routine and make pool maintenance easier, choose the Ecotab intelligent chlorine diffuser. It’s THE ideal solution for maintaining your pool or pond water, thanks to an innovative, intuitive system.

Equipped with a sensor, your diffuser is connected to its own mobile application, for the simplest possible use.

With this new, customized device, you can now control and optimize your pool’s maintenance by programming the automatic diffusion of chlorine tablets into the pool according to size, water temperature, outside temperature, frequency and time of activity in the water.

The Ecotab diffuser also features more playful controls, to animate your pool and activate the propulsion of water jets.

Diffuseur de chlore Ecotab
Diffuseur de chlore Ecotab pour piscine


The human body is organic and can carry bacteria.

All it takes is a dip in the water to disperse a multitude of microorganisms in a pool.

That’s why the intelligent Ecotab diffuser features two internal motors capable of ensuring automatic, regulated water treatment.

Activation of the motors triggers the projection of water jets to dissolve the chlorine tablets inside the diffuser.

Thanks to a stabilized mechanism, the chlorine gradually diffuses into your pool in an even, measured manner, neither too slowly nor too quickly.

Un système intelligent

Le corps humain est organique et peut être porteur de bactéries. Il suffit de plonger dans l’eau pour qu’une multitude de micro-organismes se dispersent dans une piscine.

C’est pourquoi le diffuseur Ecotab intelligent dispose de deux moteurs internes capables d’assurer le traitement automatique et régulé de l’eau.
L’activation des moteurs enclenche la projection de jets d’eau permettant de dissoudre les galets de chlore situés à l’intérieur du diffuseur.

Grâce à un mécanisme stabilisé, le chlore se diffuse progressivement dans votre bassin de façon homogène et mesurée, ni trop lentement ni trop vite.

Diffuseur de chlore Ecotab pour piscine


Maintain your pool in an eco-responsible way? It’s possible! The Ecotab solution saves you time and energy.

Your Ecotab diffuser features a photovoltaic sensor. As a result, recharging its battery using sunlight is more environmentally friendly.

Ecotab technology is capable of triggering the disinfection system in proportion to the heat emitted in the water and/or the level of activity in the water. Indeed, the higher the temperature or activity, the more the pool becomes an environment conducive to microbial proliferation.

To maintain 100% pure water at all times, the Ecotab chlorine diffuser intelligently adapts the frequency of disinfectant distribution, only when necessary.

Diffuseur de chlore Ecotab pour piscine


The Ecotab application offers an intuitive, ergonomic experience for all users.

From the dashboard, you have access to simple, clear information. You can then optimally manage your pool’s maintenance and consult the various data with ease.

Key features of the Ecotab mobile application

Automatic water maintenance settings.

Activation of water jets.

Monitoring of the pool activity with a wave sensor.

Manual intervention to increase/decrease chlorine diffusion.

Want to test the quality of your pool water? The Ecotab application analyzes your test strips. It sends you the results and makes a customized purchase recommendation to improve water quality.

This prevents poor filtration, which can lead to the proliferation of microorganisms. To treat your pool water properly, we suggest all the products and treatments we recommend.

Click on « ORDER »!

How to use

To use Ecotab, all you need is a Wi-Fi connection and, of course, a pool! The rest is child’s play!


With the Ecotab system, you don’t have to do a thing:

  • The diffuser’s battery is recharged by sunlight, thanks to its photovoltaic sensor.
  • Settings are made via the app on your smartphone.
  • As for the diffuser, simply load it with 5 chlorine tablets for a minimum 15-day treatment, then place it in your pool water.



Looking for an effective solution to pool maintenance? Let yourself be tempted by the Ecotab experience and free yourself from the difficulties of maintaining your pool.

After all, having a pool is all about having fun and relaxing!